A girl looking happily at her reflection in the mirror after having rhinoplasty (nose surgery), suggesting satisfaction with the results.

Introduction to Rhinoplasty

Don’t like your nose?  We can provide you with the facial profile you are seeking, through Rhinoplasty. 
Rhinoplasty is one of the most delicate procedures in plastic surgery. Changes are measured in millimeters, and each procedure must be customized for the patients wishes.
We believe that it is better to do less rather than more because many times it is very difficult to reverse the changes that are caused by too much surgery.
It is always important to examine the patients airway and make sure there is no obstruction from thickened mucus membranes or old trauma that bent the nose, slightly one way or another. These breathing problems must be addressed before any nasal surgery.
We normally do these cases under full anesthesia. 

Am I a good Candidate?

  • Disproportional Nose


  • Unhappy with size


  • Large bump from previous broken nose

Why Choose Dr. Friedlander?

By using the intra-nasal approach, Dr. Friedlander leaves no scars on the skin. Furthermore, by  lifting up the tissue off the nose from the inside and using very small diamond files, the nose bones are shaved down without breaking them to reduce the bridge of the patients nose.
By making small incisions on the lower part of the nose, we can raise the tip and bring in any unwanted flare to subtly shape the nose.

Recovery and FAQs

Can I have several things changed at once on my nose?

Yes, we normally do a balanced nose surgery to address as many areas as possible.

How long is the recovery?

Although much swelling will go down over the next 3 weeks, it is well known in nose surgery, particularly in bone breaking, swelling can last up to 6 months or more, so patience is required during the healing process.

how much does it cost?

before and after

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